Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reportedly 3200 US Post Offices maybe Closing:5 Reasons Why

US Post Offices closing
Reportedly ~ US Post Offices maybe closing, according to reports ~ USPS could eliminate up to 3,200 post offices nationwide.

5 Reasons Why:

1. The Government is going green. Most banks and other services offer paperless bills to cut expenses. Some services charge to send you a bill. These company's are saving a boat load of money, but the USPS suffers.

2. The mail volume have slowed down dramatically. Why? The Internet - Their are new ways of communicating with business partners,family and friends etc.

3. USPS in a lot of red ink (multibillion-dollar deficit).

4. When is the last time someone had send you a check,birthday card,letter or post card? Why get a check when you can get direct deposit. Birthday card,letter or post card you can send E cards,Text messages and use social networks like (Twitter)

5. The Economy - its seem to be ripple effect spreading nationwide

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