Friday, June 26, 2009

2012 Astronomical Predictions:The-World-Will-End-Mayan-Calender

december 21 2012 Predictions
Some think that in 2012 the world will end. The astronomical predictions: Mayans had three calendars. They had a solar calendar that was 365 days long, and a ceremonial calendar that was 260 days long. Mayans say that this whole cycle of civilization 5,125 years comes to an end on the Winter Solstice December 21, 2012 A.D.

Some astrologers think that we already enter it and we are in the early stages. Major catastrophes events have happen through out the world. We may begin to witness the occurrences of this new age in our lifetime.

We will never know until december 21 2012- The Mayan Calender Predicts..

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